Improve your LinkedIn profile with these 5 tips

Creating a LinkedIn profile has become an essential tool for personal branding. LinkedIn Connecting is the bees kneesIt has revolutionised the idea of building and maintaining a professional virtual network.

Whether you’re a job seeker or building a network with other industry professionals, creating an eye-catching LinkedIn profile can help you stand out and be noticed by the right people.

Transforming your profile from good to great isn’t as time-consuming as you think. Making a few small changes can completely transform your LinkedIn Profile.

Here are some simple tips for improving your profile:

Start with a professional photo

A current and professional head shot is one of the most important elements of your profile.

Your profile picture will be the first impression you leave on potential employers and also encourages them to continue reading your profile

Take advantage of your bio

A strong bio will make it easier for potential employers, clients and business partners to find out who you are, what your strengths are and your career prospects. The bio not only allows you to list your biggest achievements, but also is an opportunity to project your personality and reflect your personal brand.

Play to your strengths

Completing your profile is the best way to showcase your skills and experience. Try to fill out as much of the forms as you can, making sure to identify all of your strengths.

Grow your LinkedIn network

When requesting to connect with someone on LinkedIn, it’s important to write a personal invitation to show your genuine interest.

Another easy way to grow your LinkedIn network is to sync your profile with your email address book. This enables LinkedIn to suggest people you could connect with.

Keep an up-to-date profile

Before you start networking on LinkedIn, make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date. A completed profile will help you build connections and expand your network, as it is more likely to appear in search results.

These tips can help you establish a foundation to boost your presence on LinkedIn. If used correctly, LinkedIn can help you establish credibility, build your reputation as an industry leader and open new opportunities through networking.

Learn more about how to create your personal brand by downloading our FREE Personal Branding Action Sheet here.

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