Day: December 1, 2014

How to build an online profile that leads to new opportunities

Catriona Pollard was featured in Smart Company, for her article ‘How to build…

How women can go from unknown to expert and own the spotlight

Catriona’s article ‘How women can go from unknown to expert and own the…

Sydney mum vents about café’s pram policy: Australians love to complain online

Catriona Pollard was featured in Smart Company discussing a bad customer review…

Making It Count! A Smarter Approach To Online Business

Catriona Pollard spoke on a live webinar for KBB Digital with a panel of…

From unknown to expert with Catriona Pollard, founder of CP Communications

Catriona Pollard was interviewed by Trevor Young on his REPUTATION REVOLUTION…

How to master business, become an expert and avoid the pitfalls of wealth

Catriona’s new book “From Unknown To Expert” was reviewed in The Australian.…

The power of women networking with other women: Catriona Pollard

Catriona's article 'The power of women networking with other women: Catriona…

Want a marketing boost? Take a 'selfie' of your business - SmartCompany

Catriona's article 'Want a marketing boost? Take a 'selfie' of your business'…

The Future of PR - B&T

Catriona's article 'the Future of PR' was published on B&T.

When is it OK to mix business with personal on social media? - BRW

Catriona's article 'When is it OK to mix business with personal on social…

How to build your online reputation using social media - Management Today

Catriona's article 'How to build your online reputation using social media' was…