February Director’s message
Over Christmas I went on a detox. No I didn’t just eat fruit for a week, I detoxed from social media. Hard to believe I know! I travelled throughout Burma where the internet connection is pretty dreadful, so I decided to completely remove myself from social media for over three weeks.
I didn’t even take my phone as there is no international roaming in Burma. Considering I very rarely leave home without my phone, travelling to a country where a plane crashed the day I landed, and the military were bombing their citizens while I was there, not being able to easily phone home was quite daunting.
So did I hate being disconnected? No, I loved it. I didn’t miss social media for a second. But I did enjoy reconnecting after my time away. I think it’s healthy to step away from being constantly connected. I’m even considering having a social media free day (on a weekend) this year. I’ll let you know how that goes!
How is 2013 looking for you? I’m big on actively creating my own destiny, and my agency’s destiny.
We took time out in January to create our vision for this year, and also set personal career and agency goals. To set the scene, we got a bit wet first! The team went stand up paddle boarding on a lovely Sydney morning, which was so much fun (see picture below)!
We then came back to the office and talked about what this year will look like and what words will describe this year.
The outcome was our amazing vision board. It gives me goose bumps looking at it. With such an extraordinary vision, team, client relationships and services – it’s going to be an amazing 2013.
Free PR ebook – We have some big plans this year, and the first is launching a free ebook “How to use PR to get amazing results“. So download your free copy today!
Welcome to our new clients. In January we started working with Pollenizer and Frank Digital. Start-ups and high growth small businesses are a passion of ours, so we are looking forward to achieving stellar PR coverage for them.
Speaking – Run or work for a B2B organisation? In conjunction with Reed Business I will be presenting a Social Media Workshop on 26 February 2013. The workshop will focus on what social media is, explain the role of blogs, outline social media platforms and discuss how to build your brand using social media, as well as look at how to create content to expand your visibility and online reputation. Register here.
