What you can learn from ancient storytelling
As an entrepreneur and thought leader it’s critical you know how tell your story. It’s through storytelling that we connect with others and how we can share information with others in a way that is powerful and memorable.
Everyone has stories to tell. They can be the stories of who you are, what you stand for and why others should get to know you.
Storytelling is not new. It is embedded in our human history. For instance, Indigenous Australians have a rich history of storytelling and it plays a very important role in their culture.
Their stories are handed down from generation to generation and are about the air, the land, the universe, people, culture and history.
One of my favourite storytellers is Auntie Julie Freeman who I was lucky enough to sit and listen to her stories a few years ago as part of an Indigenous festival. She is an elder and a Traditional Owner from Wreck Bay in the Booderee region of NSW. Auntie Julie holds the sacred role of storyteller.
Take a look at this video where Auntie Julie tells of the Waratah Creation Story, a story of proper behaviour in her ancestral region.
For me this is storytelling at its finest: powerful, honest, emotional and moving.
Auntie Julie says that once you start seeing the stories in the landscape around you, you being to see things differently. “Everything is connected – the ocean, the wind, the trees, the landscape and the people.”
We are all connected through our shared experiences and the stories we tell. Isn’t it time you started telling you?
To learn how to tell your entrepreneur story, read this great post with tips on how to get started.
In my book, ‘From Unknown To Expert‘, I explain in detail how you can be sharing your stories. Get your copy HERE.
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