5 ways to use PR to get more listeners for your podcast
February 14, 2017Catriona Pollard,interviews,social media,media,podcast,from unknown to expertPR tips,Social Media
Podcasts are one of the fastest growing media platforms. In 2015 Apple…
Three quick tips for a stand out elevator statement
January 17, 2017elevator pitch,interview,elevator statement,speaking,unknown to expertPR tips,Public Relations,industry influencer
Ever get stuck when asked what you do? As an
5 compelling reasons why you need to get media training
December 12, 2016Catriona Pollard,interviews,key messages,storytelling,media training,public speaking,from unknown to expertindustry influencer,PR tips,Public Relations
Journalists are constantly on the lookout for interesting
Sharing your expertise story can transform your business
November 14, 2016Personal Branding,Catriona Pollard,expertise story,from unknown to expert,storytelling,PRThought leadership,Business,PR tips
Your personal brand is crucial to your success
What's your PR personality?
October 18, 2016Catriona Pollard,pitching,from unknown to expert,pr personality,PRPR tips,Public Relations
Mastering the art public relations (or PR) can be
How to write a stand out social media bio
September 21, 2016personal brand,instagram,professional brand,social media,twitter,LinkedIn,social media bioSocial Media,Business
Social media is essential to growing your
5 tips to get the most out of a ho hum event
August 30, 2016Catriona Pollard,social networking,Personal Branding,events,NetworkingBusiness,Public Relations
I’ve been to many events, workshops and by Catriona Pollard
5 ways to make the most of social media
August 9, 2016social media strategy,brand engagement,social media,businesses,Content MarketingBusiness,Social Media
While social media adoption has grownby Catriona Pollard